The Power of a Crumb

Will Marler • July 12, 2022

Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.” Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.” He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said. He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” 

“Yes, it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment. —Matthew 15: 21-28

The Power of a Crumb

She was a woman in a city that subjugated her gender. She was a social outcast, a pagan, and a Canaanite—among the most hated people by the Jews. 

Yet, she was also a mother of a desperately sick child. And this woman had something she had not had in some time. She had hope, and his name was Jesus. 

She knew he was a Jew. He knew she was a gentile. But desperation often makes cultural bias irrelevant. Because if crossing racial or religious boundaries could help her daughter’s plight, she would cross them without hesitation. She cried, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Breaking Through God’s Silence

It appears he ignored her because he remained silent to her request. And as she persisted with her prayer, his disciples told Jesus to send her away. Jesus continued to overlook her petition. Like if he would acknowledge her, he would be forced to answer her prayer. Regardless, she came and worshiped him and cried, “Lord help me.”

Then Jesus gave her the smallest of openings. The slightest evidence that he really cared. “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”

She Found His Grace

Instead of her hope dying, she saw her answer was within reach. “Yes it is, Lord. Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

Boom! What a bold response. Jesus recognized the tenacity of her faith and the depth of her determination. He didn’t say, “be healed,” or “be whole,” or “be blessed.” His response was, in essence, “whatever you want, woman—it is yours.”

Where There’s a Determined Faith

Here, we see the power of a crumb. The woman cried. Jesus remained silent. She followed. The disciples told her to leave. She worshiped. They disregarded her, and Jesus called her a dog. 

The woman should have been insulted and could have become angry. But doubt and disappointment were not part of her plan. She didn’t become bitter. Instead, her faith soared. She heard more than what Jesus had uttered. She read between the lines of God’s word. The message was not spoken but was as loud as a megaphone. 

The mother did not ask for a meal with the children. She did not ask to eat with the servants in another room. She would have been satisfied with one crumb of God’s truth fallen from the master’s table to the floor of her despair. She knew that this tiny morsel of his healing power could quickly alleviate her child’s misery. 

An Allegory of Persistence

She heard the talk of dogs and seized on the unspoken crumb. This was her ticket to the journey to God’s favor. There was enough truth in “dog” and “bread” to get what this mother wanted for her child. 

When was the last time you reminded God that your faith, the size of a mustard seed, will deliver enough bounty to realize your demands? 

Lord, my faith in you is such that if all I get is one crumb, one word, one nod in the right direction, it is sufficient to resolve my dilemma and answer my prayer.

If an outcast woman could seize on the allusion to a dog, get a Pitbull grip on a crumb, and bring a devil-chasing, divine healing experience into the life of her child—cannot we comprehend what’s available to a Spirit-born follower of Jesus Christ?

More Power to Us

If there is enough power in a crumb for a castoff woman to attain a whatever-you-want-is-yours response from Jesus—how much more power comes with the whole loaf of the Bread of Life? 

If he is willing to do for a dog with crumbs under the table, what is he waiting to do for Bible-believing ministries whose mission is to care for displaced widows and orphans in their distress? —James 1:27

There is power in a crumb to bring hope to the orphan and widow. There is power in a crumb to provide an emergency care facility to kids on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. There is power in a crumb to drive out the spirit of depression, lift every burden, and heal every affliction. Jesus is willing and able to break the bondage of every oppressive spirit—he is the Bread of Life, and there is power in the crumb!

Learn More About Legacy Acres

Legacy Acres is a Christian 501c3 organization that exists to provide an emergency care facility for orphaned and fatherless children desperately in need of the love of Jesus Christ. 

If you would like more information about our ministry to help orphans on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, contact us today

Will Marler is Executive Director of Legacy Acres, a Christian non-profit seeking to provide emergency shelter to abused abandoned, and neglected children in South Mississippi. 

By Will Marler July 7, 2022
Essential Oil 2 Kings 4:1 The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the Lord. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves.” In the fourth chapter of Second Kings, we learn of a widow left with a huge debt but only a small jar of oil to her name. A debt so insurmountable, her dead husband’s creditors were coming to enslave her sons as a reckoning. In the first verse, we begin to understand the widow’s desperation, but do we recognize the miraculous work unfolding through her faith. Circumstances do not determine our future but may reveal where our dependence lies. A Widow in Need Here we find a widow’s dependence on a miracle to be revealed. She did not seek help from a king or the governing powers, nor did she try to rectify the matter herself. Instead, she sought the help of her only connection to her creator, the prophet Elisha anointed by God. Simply put, she chose the only Savior capable of helping her in her plight. The comforts we seek, the securities we cling to, and the solutions we cultivate by our strength can create dangerous independence from God. How often do we devise well-planned solutions and present them to God? Then pray for Him to confirm our thought-out strategies to resolve our circumstances instead of releasing the problem to the Lord. Opportunity Lost In doing so, we could miss an opportunity for revelation. For God’s response to our struggles is a study in faith. In verses one through six, we find Elisha giving the woman detailed instructions to gather many vessels and fill from her limited supply of oil. Imagine this act of obedience as the desperate mother gathers all the vessels she and her sons could find. Let’s not miss the opportunity like that of the widow, whose faith was limited only by the number of vessels she collected. God’s provision is supplied by our readiness to obedience where His process allows His promises to prevail. Lesson Learned She returns home and begins pouring from her jar. One by one, she fills each vessel. Then the promise of the Father allows her to sell her abundance, pay her debts, and save her children from bondage. The Lord offers provision to all of us. One in which our debts are settled, and our lives are restored. His grace covers the debt of our past and extends to us a hopeful future. An abundance of mercy, as our sins are reconciled through the blood of Jesus. Only He is the provision that meets us where we live. Only he is the hope that sustains us. Only he is our essential oil. Not some counterfeit ideology, a government program, or a class offered in college, but a love that covers our deepest needs. He is the beginning and the end of our humanity, and there is nothing from man that should be in-between. Lord, help us to trust you. To exhibit complete dependence and obedience and the utmost faith in your plan. Help us choose your wisdom and knowledge rather than relying on my talents and resources, learning the importance of total dependence on You. Learn More If you would like more information about Legacy Acres, please contact us today . Will Marler is the executive director of Legacy Acres , a Christian non-profit that exists to provide emergency shelter to abused abandoned, and neglected children with no place to go.
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